I'm still pushin towards my goal of being done by tuesday. I know it's crazy but also setting a high goal will keep me motivated to push farther. I have the sand painting started and through a slight detour of redoing the opening of the sand from the earth have come to a fully realized image of what is to be done. The work will be much faster to be done from here on out. Perhaps drawing concentric circles in the sand repeatedly for more 20 frames put me into a meditative state for creativity as the buddhist monks who rake flowing lines in the sand of their gardens. So!
Sand painting definitely done this weekend.
and so will the
Transition from painting to reversed apple footage using twigs i gathered yesterday and broke apart into correct shapes.
I'm goin for it
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
New schedule
I still plan on being done by next tuesday fully. I have the entire weekend free to work and the only possibility of being held up would be if the grass does not grow by then. (which theoretically shouldn't happen for it is rated to fill spots in a lawn within a week and i planted the burlap sacks with seeds in them Monday night.) I just need to get a uv bulb and a soft light filter for the time i'm not there to stimulate more growth.
By next Thursday i still plan on having the sand painting portion done. I was held up by setting up another set and trouble with camera setups but it's all figured so now it's all go. I'm also going to redo the initial sand entrance with dirtier sand and possible spiral tracings in the sand if it looks natural enough.
By next Thursday i still plan on having the sand painting portion done. I was held up by setting up another set and trouble with camera setups but it's all figured so now it's all go. I'm also going to redo the initial sand entrance with dirtier sand and possible spiral tracings in the sand if it looks natural enough.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Stop(Motion>) HammerTime
For my tentative schedule i expect to be done with the apple scenes by tuesday as well as have progress into the sandpainting. I plan on growing the grass starting monday and letting it grow through to next tuesday while working on the end of the piece in unison. Completion of the entire project should be fully realized by the following Tuesday.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
New ideer for STOP|motion>>>
After brain mapping off of the word "fruit" i came up with a few key words that i want to guide my piece on forbidden fruit as the gift of creation. These words being well... Creation, then seed, life, breath, love, heal, power, spirit, invention...
So on to my writing for the new plan.
Shot of an apple hanging on a limp. It wiggles back and forth till it fall into the dirt, splitting into 4 equal halves. Each half decomposes and then is consumed by the soil it lays on. (I had the idea to gradually move a light around the table so that the effect of a day passing is given to the time lapse camera taking a shot every 5 minutes. I'll have to hang around a bit if so /:)The soil begins to push and pull as if it was given the breath of life. After a few breathes, the dirt pushes forth an orb of burlap material from each of the spots where a piece of apple fell. These shots will be taken from 3/4 angle to show the shadows against the soil underneath. The orbs begin to roll around and interact with each other as the roll the wear on tear on the bodies begin to open up small gaps in the material to leak out various colors of dirt onto the set. they contintue dancing with close-up shots of dirt seeping out and orbs interacting. The sky camera begins showing a pattern emerging in the dirt fallen from these balls of earth. More shots of the burlap tearing more and more until the material makes on final pass around the rim of the set. Leaving navajo sand painting done in the healing rituals of in southern mexico.

So on to my writing for the new plan.
Shot of an apple hanging on a limp. It wiggles back and forth till it fall into the dirt, splitting into 4 equal halves. Each half decomposes and then is consumed by the soil it lays on. (I had the idea to gradually move a light around the table so that the effect of a day passing is given to the time lapse camera taking a shot every 5 minutes. I'll have to hang around a bit if so /:)The soil begins to push and pull as if it was given the breath of life. After a few breathes, the dirt pushes forth an orb of burlap material from each of the spots where a piece of apple fell. These shots will be taken from 3/4 angle to show the shadows against the soil underneath. The orbs begin to roll around and interact with each other as the roll the wear on tear on the bodies begin to open up small gaps in the material to leak out various colors of dirt onto the set. they contintue dancing with close-up shots of dirt seeping out and orbs interacting. The sky camera begins showing a pattern emerging in the dirt fallen from these balls of earth. More shots of the burlap tearing more and more until the material makes on final pass around the rim of the set. Leaving navajo sand painting done in the healing rituals of in southern mexico.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Stop MOtion Drawring
Well since i intend to use natural elements and go with my third idea, I will be mostly drawing with dirt and various natural elements. and at one time charcoal. SO! into the chronology of events.
White canvas opens the screen as two forms of dirt swirl together into a sphere. Constantly swirling the sphere gives way to a ring that revolves around it. As the center of the sphere gets smaller more rings pull around it forming an atom. As it twists and turn the rings spin of to hit the bottom of the canvas leaving the single orb above just levitating gently until it shoots into the ground. In small burts, tiny twigs poke through the dirt at the bottom as a tree growing from soil. Once the tree is fully formed, small bits of fruit grow from it. These will be drawn in Charcoal. One fruit drops from the tree and is decomposed on the base of the frame. A small man digs his way up from the ground where the fruit lay (and this as well is drawn with charcoal). As the man emerges another fruit drop from the tree to following the same pattern as the former only a woman emerges as the man stands and watches. Immediately they rush to each other meeting underneath the last fruit hanging from the tree. They each pick the fruit at the same time as the tree shrivels up and dies. The fruit grows over everything leaving a now black canvas. pause for a few seconds on the abyss as bits of white emerge on the black. white lines first draw a cube that slowly rotates and turns. Lines of the square stretch out and multiply till horizontal white lines fill the screen giving a sense of depth. Small white lines spring up from the horizontal, forming cities. Suddenly a large rift splits in the center of the canvas and the charcoal is erased away starting from the outside to seem as the charcoal is falling into the rift. Finally as only a white canvas is left dirt springs from the opening as it seals itself back up. (done by filming a second canvas being ripped and reversing the footage) The cycle is restarted once more.
White canvas opens the screen as two forms of dirt swirl together into a sphere. Constantly swirling the sphere gives way to a ring that revolves around it. As the center of the sphere gets smaller more rings pull around it forming an atom. As it twists and turn the rings spin of to hit the bottom of the canvas leaving the single orb above just levitating gently until it shoots into the ground. In small burts, tiny twigs poke through the dirt at the bottom as a tree growing from soil. Once the tree is fully formed, small bits of fruit grow from it. These will be drawn in Charcoal. One fruit drops from the tree and is decomposed on the base of the frame. A small man digs his way up from the ground where the fruit lay (and this as well is drawn with charcoal). As the man emerges another fruit drop from the tree to following the same pattern as the former only a woman emerges as the man stands and watches. Immediately they rush to each other meeting underneath the last fruit hanging from the tree. They each pick the fruit at the same time as the tree shrivels up and dies. The fruit grows over everything leaving a now black canvas. pause for a few seconds on the abyss as bits of white emerge on the black. white lines first draw a cube that slowly rotates and turns. Lines of the square stretch out and multiply till horizontal white lines fill the screen giving a sense of depth. Small white lines spring up from the horizontal, forming cities. Suddenly a large rift splits in the center of the canvas and the charcoal is erased away starting from the outside to seem as the charcoal is falling into the rift. Finally as only a white canvas is left dirt springs from the opening as it seals itself back up. (done by filming a second canvas being ripped and reversing the footage) The cycle is restarted once more.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
THuuursday 9/9/10
A. Ok self critique is pretty simple. i Agree with most of the critique for my piece titled "Master Bites Dog's Hand". I didn't really want to put consumerism spelled out in the beginning and i'm actually relieved to take it out. Next i understand the point about James Dean being frozen on too long. I'm not sure i wish to use a plain black text overlay for the words that come in compared to the artistic pictures but it's cool i'll figure out a compromise. And the final image i feel makes sense for it has 3d glasses and that fad completely falls into the cultural consumerism that our country loves to market. 3D movies are IT right now and even tv's are coming "3d ready" whatever that means. I wanted to promote the Circus act of culture that has been created by warring corporations fighting for our attention. Kids that can be psychologically diagnosed as psychopaths if they were considered a citizen, (which they are by the state). I had a lot of trouble with gif's loading into after effects. The program constantly kept freezing and forcing me to force quit, log out and then log back in before After Effects would even open again. I just went ahead and exported what i could in small parts and put those .mov's back into the program and the problem quit.
B. My rework i took out consumer, and moved some of the GIF's around that seemed a little out of place. I also retimed the section that shows james dean so that he isn't a focal point. AAnd then i added more GIF's to reinforce the imagery i had applied, along with a small reworking of the ending to put less focus on the final image and onto the feel and the words.
C. Ideaaas!
1. i had one idea that i reaaally want to do with charcoal and gesso. I've always loved charcoal and it's aesthetic, subtraction done with gesso would add a nize smoky feel as the remaining paint in the blublu stop motion films looked. The smokey feel could add a nice context relating to chaotic turmoil disentegrating into nothingness, WHich! could be applied to what Media and Corporate advertising tends to do to our culture in an effort to control what we purchase. They do small experiments on rats and other animals to then turn these tests into realities on a global scale.
2. Another idea would be to incorporate natural elements such as sunlight on an actual structure. Allowing the sun to become an element in itself. The sun plays the role of energizer giving life, yet in life darkness must also be present in the shadow of giants. This idea would push the concept of the shadow play. I would construct giants out of tiny pieces of cardboard
that when viewed by the shadow on the ground would turn out to be hundreds of tiny insects scurrying about and in turn consuming the giant itself. Of course the shadows would not be used to consume the giant, i would use camera tricks to hold the lens on them as they gradually emerge out of the paper and become charcoal drawings on top that eventually help the decomposition of the humble giant.
3. Use of natural elements to use for their own context so that i could speak on our control of nature rather than cooperation. This has been a reoccurring theme for me since ipc and having cutout cowboys wrangle a tree. Elements of nature would be attacked by their own seed which gathers in rows to march on and systematically block off it's resources so it withers and dies. What happens however is that the matter within nature never dies and actually set free to return the favor to it's seed by "setting them free" as well. Possibly the matter that was decomposed could form into spears that take out the little minions and such.
B. My rework i took out consumer, and moved some of the GIF's around that seemed a little out of place. I also retimed the section that shows james dean so that he isn't a focal point. AAnd then i added more GIF's to reinforce the imagery i had applied, along with a small reworking of the ending to put less focus on the final image and onto the feel and the words.
C. Ideaaas!
1. i had one idea that i reaaally want to do with charcoal and gesso. I've always loved charcoal and it's aesthetic, subtraction done with gesso would add a nize smoky feel as the remaining paint in the blublu stop motion films looked. The smokey feel could add a nice context relating to chaotic turmoil disentegrating into nothingness, WHich! could be applied to what Media and Corporate advertising tends to do to our culture in an effort to control what we purchase. They do small experiments on rats and other animals to then turn these tests into realities on a global scale.
2. Another idea would be to incorporate natural elements such as sunlight on an actual structure. Allowing the sun to become an element in itself. The sun plays the role of energizer giving life, yet in life darkness must also be present in the shadow of giants. This idea would push the concept of the shadow play. I would construct giants out of tiny pieces of cardboard
that when viewed by the shadow on the ground would turn out to be hundreds of tiny insects scurrying about and in turn consuming the giant itself. Of course the shadows would not be used to consume the giant, i would use camera tricks to hold the lens on them as they gradually emerge out of the paper and become charcoal drawings on top that eventually help the decomposition of the humble giant.
3. Use of natural elements to use for their own context so that i could speak on our control of nature rather than cooperation. This has been a reoccurring theme for me since ipc and having cutout cowboys wrangle a tree. Elements of nature would be attacked by their own seed which gathers in rows to march on and systematically block off it's resources so it withers and dies. What happens however is that the matter within nature never dies and actually set free to return the favor to it's seed by "setting them free" as well. Possibly the matter that was decomposed could form into spears that take out the little minions and such.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The BBC article that studied brains provided some nice positive results for the web. Browsing websites actually provides more brain activity in 50 year old men than reading a book. This supports much of my own ideas that it does increase the speed of our brain activity by catching up with technology. As always however this provides new questions into ethics and how much we as humans must struggle as a natural process to learning. It is proven that we learn more through experience so mistakes and effort cause information to be more firmly planted in our minds. Just as teaching a subject can cause one to learn much more that just sitting in as a student.
The increase in ADHD children can be a result of the speed of our communication nowadays. With so much information practically being hoarded up and dumped on us, we must understand ourselves more than ever to filter out useless bits and hold onto what we need.
The increase in ADHD children can be a result of the speed of our communication nowadays. With so much information practically being hoarded up and dumped on us, we must understand ourselves more than ever to filter out useless bits and hold onto what we need.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Google eyed
i found the article very interesting. Not that i agreed with all of it, but it brought to light much about the way technology is an extension of ourselves. With technology we are evolving i believe. Why evolve physically when we can push the extensions of ourselves to become better adapted? In a way this is great! They trouble comes when we move too fast and forget to upgrade the brakes as well. With each new technology, new questions of ethical behavior arise. These loopholes are easily taken advantage of until someone recognizes the problem and fixes it.
The question about whether or not our minds are conditioned to obtaining information quicker seemed more of a blessing to me.
Our minds are taking in so much more information than ever before, which may lead to an increase number of people with so called "ADD" but that's more of a fault of advertising to me. It isn't the internet itself that distracts us but the way in which companies have used it. This happens all the time anyways, it's just a matter of people understanding that with more power comes more responsibility. We all have more access nowadays and it takes a greater deal of willpower to focus at such a speed. I don't have any more trouble focusing on internet sites than i do trying to focus with someone nagging at me. I do enjoy reading in a quiet environment, and it always seems to be hard to find. Just as it's pretty hard to find a webpage free from annoying ads, pestering little children who just want your attention. Again this just seems logical and not much of a big deal as this writer tried to make it seem.
i defintely agree with the Krasnow Institute and have always thought that our minds are molded even as adults. We will always have control of the however. It may at times feel as though we are being manipulated but as long as you look out for manipulators you can outsmart them. Humans will always think of new ways to get what they want. This is why we are top of the food chain, our adaptive abilities. Our adaption increased tremendously with the communication of information and the spreading of new ideas. this will continue to get faster and we must understand the implications that is all.
The last comment bothered me even more than most. "It is our own intelligence flattens into artificial intelligence" He used the word flatten to instigate a feeling of lessening our intelligence as a bad thing. Well of course that's what AI is. We will create whatever is created out of our own image as everything is created comes from ourselves. Yes it will be an extension of ourself and yes it won't be as good as the real thing for a while. Was the first painting a flattening of the human aesthetic? well yes. but it wasn't exactly a negative thing now was it?
i found the article very interesting. Not that i agreed with all of it, but it brought to light much about the way technology is an extension of ourselves. With technology we are evolving i believe. Why evolve physically when we can push the extensions of ourselves to become better adapted? In a way this is great! They trouble comes when we move too fast and forget to upgrade the brakes as well. With each new technology, new questions of ethical behavior arise. These loopholes are easily taken advantage of until someone recognizes the problem and fixes it.
The question about whether or not our minds are conditioned to obtaining information quicker seemed more of a blessing to me.
Our minds are taking in so much more information than ever before, which may lead to an increase number of people with so called "ADD" but that's more of a fault of advertising to me. It isn't the internet itself that distracts us but the way in which companies have used it. This happens all the time anyways, it's just a matter of people understanding that with more power comes more responsibility. We all have more access nowadays and it takes a greater deal of willpower to focus at such a speed. I don't have any more trouble focusing on internet sites than i do trying to focus with someone nagging at me. I do enjoy reading in a quiet environment, and it always seems to be hard to find. Just as it's pretty hard to find a webpage free from annoying ads, pestering little children who just want your attention. Again this just seems logical and not much of a big deal as this writer tried to make it seem.
i defintely agree with the Krasnow Institute and have always thought that our minds are molded even as adults. We will always have control of the however. It may at times feel as though we are being manipulated but as long as you look out for manipulators you can outsmart them. Humans will always think of new ways to get what they want. This is why we are top of the food chain, our adaptive abilities. Our adaption increased tremendously with the communication of information and the spreading of new ideas. this will continue to get faster and we must understand the implications that is all.
The last comment bothered me even more than most. "It is our own intelligence flattens into artificial intelligence" He used the word flatten to instigate a feeling of lessening our intelligence as a bad thing. Well of course that's what AI is. We will create whatever is created out of our own image as everything is created comes from ourselves. Yes it will be an extension of ourself and yes it won't be as good as the real thing for a while. Was the first painting a flattening of the human aesthetic? well yes. but it wasn't exactly a negative thing now was it?
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