So I know i was to write but one thing i realized is that in the time it took for my hands to catch up with my head. my head had already stopped and began thinking about the words i was using when i was writing. I was able to focus enough to keep myself on track however i may not have been able to do this a year ago. Various words that come up with my writing would be virus, manipulation, censorship, porn, corporations, beaurocracy (spelling.. i know), stranger, frisbee, nature, control, power, etc.. I had many ideas on how in control of our minds we are. Not very. It seems like a normal day to just be walking down the street and see at least 20 different ads and have had your brain process each one. it's a sort of subliminal messaging. I'm pretty sure that sort of thing is illegal in movies yet our mind glances over ads so fast that it might as well be subconscious. Planting that image in our head is enough to give that product an increased chance at profit. Or at least if you hear a name enough you begin to trust it just because you feel as though you know it. when do any of us actually know any of the companies we buy from. It's as if they're some friendly neighbor, or that's what they want you to think. in fact i have recently come to find that they are given the rights of a human being and are protected by the 14th amendment that was originally to give rights to african americans. Many lawyers used this amendment as a loophole to grant corporations - which previously had only meant to be temporary - more power to expand and the ability to "externalize" any problems within the company as not the fault of the chairpersons. It's a really screwed up system that is has grown into what we look past as acceptable. Corporations should never have even existed as they do today. To think that the government has much control over the population when many members of these corporations have been members of congress and even president at times? Money isn't true power, yes it's a tool to achieve power and make more money but true power comes in planting your own ideas in a population on a mass scale. How does one begin to make any near-sided citizen aware of the perils of our current unbalanced capitalism.
On this same note i also mentioned a fairly screwed up thought. If attention gives way to imagery and this imagery planted in our minds grants power to that entity, do porn stars actually feel this power? Is the attention hungry little boy driven by the same desires as a exhibitionist? What becomes pathetic is that our own culture is so lost in consumerism that we have given up something that should be free to be exploited for money. Not only the porn industry but the dating industry. Seriously? has our ideals and culture been altered so that companies are able to make money of something we have a right to ourselves? Is it lazyness? Is it because we're so accustomed to paying for our needs that it just seems logical? Countries such as Nigeria never understood the idea of paying for food until Shell came in and ruined their natural lands. People who were completely self sufficient were shocked to find they had to make money somehow because decades of oil-spills ravaged their land. Were reparations made? no. Do Americans hear about this? no. corporations fund our media and threaten to cut funding if stories such as this are released. Again fucked up. I'm infuriated by what is going out around the world and the way companies will use smaller country's resources then ditch them. But the US does nothing even though as american industries they represent us and we are to blame for their actions just as they should be responsible for their own employees and their actions. What these people get away with is sickening. It makes my head spin how much is wrong and how insignificant it makes me feel at times. We need each other to stand up. We need knowledge to be known even though these companies control communication as well. There's a lot to change and all we can do is try to be happy while pushing forward with what we know is right.

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